Wednesday, January 28, 2009

mules and Model A cars

During World War 11 my dad trained draft horses and mules. and raised
draft mules as well. My dad always spent a lot of evenings in the barn
and he would say he was nursing one little animal or another. Actually
he was nursing Mr Jim Beam. One January he had bought some new
two year old Draft Mules to teach to pull the plow etc. As he left the
barn one dark night he stopped in to say good night and neglected to
shut the gate to the lot. The rest is history.

His mother was staying with us and my sister was a baby one month old.
We all got in the Model A to chase those mules. My dad and his mother
were yelling at each other and the baby was crying. We went around a
corner and the door of the car came open and the baby fell out and the
car ran over her. There was a lot of screaming. The baby fell under the
wheels on a snowy road and was not injured. I don't know if they
ever rounded up those draft mules I must have gone to sleep

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! This is quite the story Grandma! Next time I'm in Harvey you'll have to let me saddle up a mule...have yet to do that in this life! Much Love, J.
