My Friend Jan has came over to ride with me as well as Crazy Mule Lady. I am so grateful. Crazy Mule Man came over and trimmed up my mules this month and now they are show ring ready. Mia and Sylvia and Jasper have been here to help with the garden. Jasper is ready to
dig potatoes at a moments notice. We took pictures of the toads in the window well so Kelly can see that we are caring for them. The babies are so little you can barely even see them.
This month has been a good one. I traded for Ford truck that I can pull my mule trailer with.
It barely fits in the garage and I shut the door on the tailgate. Now it is at a shop getting repaired. So much for women drivers. I need to take out part of the work bench in the garage to make it fit.
My Uncle Glen, his son Bill and daughter Glenda were here for a visit to Iowa. Glen is 95 years
old. He is and always was my favorite uncle. He was married to my dad's sister Mary. They
were frequent visitors to the family farm when I was growing up. He was the original cowboy just like Roy Rodgers. Thats what I thought anyway. So good to see them. Uncle Glen and Glenda live in Florida.
My friend Jan and I are spending July 4th weekend at River Valley Horse camp
at Farmington and riding our mules at Shimek and we are sure hoping that those trails will be open.
I miss all my friends at the Monroe County Saddle Club. It is just too difficult to do the old things
without Glen. I probably would cry all the way through the Bussey parade. We have been doing the parade since the 1060's.
Yesterday, Monday the 29th, I was in Des Moines. I met Ron, Donna, and brother Jack at a
BBQ place for lunch. It was fun to see them. Ron and Donna have changed their plans for a
vacation in Alaska and are flying to Las Vegas instead. Sounds like a plan to me. They will
continue on the California and also the Grand Canyon. They are leaving in July.
Carrie spent last week in Alaska with Micole. Very exciting place and I can't wait to see it.
Crazy Mule lady is coming to ride mules with me today. We are riding all morning and afternoon. We are trying to entice Tom to come as well. He is building a new home and very busy with his new wife. So we will be lucky to see him.
There is just one thing I cannot believe. My peppers in the garden are begging for water.
I thought it had rained enough for the entire summer of 2009.