Crazy Mule Lady(Deb) and I left October 23, last Friday. We left at 8 am and met Tom and Tammy in Blakesburg. It is about 375 miles or more mostly on highway 63 South. We arrived at the horse camp about 5 pm. Our friend Jan,
pictured with her mule and horse, took us out to supper and then we started to party. There
was a dance at the camp and we all had a good time. Our schedule looked something like this, seven days in a row.
6am. Alarm, instant coffee. 7am. Breakfast at the mess hall. 8am. tack up the mules (or some folks have horses). 9am until 1pm ride on the trails in the Ozark Mts. A lunch on the trail all
cooked on grills. Lots of sides and desserts. Back to camp by 5pm. take care of the mules, shower. 6pm 15 minutes for a quick drink then to supper before the dining room closes at 7pm.
8pm Dancing to a good band until midnight. Midnight until 2am. sitting on tailgates laughing ourselves silly. Then to the camper to have a bowl of cereal and then 6 am start all over again.
We did that 7 days in a row. We drove home Thursday in heavy rain. Deb and I felt like we had
been rode hard and put away wet.
Tom did the shooting event. A timed even to use pistols to shoot out the baloons. We all thought he won the event, but no prizes were given. He was pretty famous around the camp for the rest of the ride.
We also visited Alley springs. A really beautiful place. There is an old grist mill there and fun to
look at. Also an old one room school house to visit. Tammy is a teacher and she enjoyed the school.
Deb is showing off her new T shirt. Love to all Grandma Jeanie